Progress has been Made this week
One thing and another has kept me from getting things done this winter. Now that the weather is trying to get better here in Southern Idaho I have been able to play in the quilt room this past week. I managed to get two tops finished and ready to be quilted. Now if I can just keep that up. These aren't my best pictures the day was cloudy so the light was not good. Also the
flash on the camera created a washed out spot on the Ohio Star quilt. Anyway you get the idea. Both of these were cut with the Accquilt Studio and GO dies. Once you get the cutting directions figured out and your fabrics cut correctly the Blazing Star is very easy to piece and sew together. Will post better pictures when they are quilted. I am now off to the quilt room to try out another pattern. We'll see how it goes so stay tuned. What are you working on?
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