Sunday, June 2, 2013

Making an Unscheduled Appearance

Nice weather has finally arrived so that means more time outdoors and doing things other than quilting. Today I finally made time to spend in the sewing room and managed to get half of the quilt put together. It's not the best picture, but at least I kept the cats off of it while I took one. I'm really liking how this is going together. I'm using  Quiltsmart  and it is working beautifully. The real test will come if the center works.

So what have you been up to in your part of the country? Has summer arrived for you also. I hope you are not in the Tornado zone. I have family in the OKC area, but so far they are okay. I hope it stays that way.


Gail said...

BEAUTIFUL! These colors are so pretty. Reminds me of the new picture on my blog of the robins nest!

Podunk Pretties said...

Gorgeous colors! Quiltsmart, don't you just love them! I've used them for a lonestar also, came out great.

Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation said...

your star is beautiful! I just love it!

-Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

AnnieO said...

Gorgeous colors! A Lone Star is on my list of someday quilts.

robert kaufman said...

BEAUTIFUL! These colors are so pretty.