Greetings from Idaho. We have now made 5 trips between Washington and Idaho moving everything into the new place. I came down on Wednesday in order to miss the rain predicted for WA starting at midnight. I was having a really nice drive and was almost to LeGrande, OR which is half way. I was loaded with boxes and climbing the Blue Mountains almost to the top when I came around a curve and there in the middle of the road was a deer. I had a car on my left and a semi on my right and no place to go. Unfortunately, I hit the deer. I had the cats with me and they never made a sound. The man in the car on my left pulled over and helped me check out the truck which has quite a bit of damage to the front end and thanked me for not swerving into him. The truck was running okay so I continued on my way and made it into Rupert at 5 am. The insurance company has already sent some one out to do the claim and he has the parts ordered to fix it. I should have it back by the 16th looking like new. I felt bad hitting the deer, but my only other choice was to hit the man on the left of me. It was such a
nice drive until then. At least I am okay and I didn't hurt anything except the deer.
On a more cheerful note - this time we brought furniture so it will really feel like home as soon as we get the truck unloaded and things put in place. Looking forward to staying in one place for awhile. We'll probably make one more trip the first of October to finish up some things in WA and then we should be fairly well done until spring to pick up whatever is left that we probably really don't need, but we'll bring down here to go through and end up getting rid of most of it. We do have some peaches on the dwarf peach tree in the back yard I'll take some pictures of them.
Sounds like you are getting more and more settled. Sorry about the accident, but it sounds like your instincts kicked in well.
So glad you and the cats are okay. It could of been a different outcome. The truck can be mended!!! Sounds like you are almost done, you will be pleased to be a bit more settled.
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