Our trip to ID went very well traveling the first time with 3 cats. We stopped in Boise for the night going down. The girls were restless and jumpy but otherwise they did okay. Lucy found a place where she thought she was hidden.
All three cats were really glad when we arrived at

We managed to get a door put into the roo

The good looking man (DH) is on his way to NC for his 45th high school reunion on the 12th. He will then go to Pittsburgh to see the grandkids and daughter unit. He took my older camera so hopefully he will remember to take lots of pictures. When he returns we load up the truck and head back to ID to get some of the work done so we can finish up with the moving.
Sorry this is so long, but couldn't post any pictures from the library computer. I've noticed that I have 102 posts but my give away will have to be a bit later on. Once I have been able to unpack I'll be able to have a giveaway so I'll keep thinking on it so it will be extra special and you keep checking to see when it happens.
Now I'm off to the quilt store and the knit shop while I am on my own and unsupervised.
It sounds as if you've got plenty of work ahead of you - and plenty of travelling - over the next few months. I'm sure you'll be relieved once you can get more settled
Hope you had a good 'unsupervised'!! trip to the Quilt shop and Knit shop!!! Gorgeous photos of the cats. All this work and travelling will be worth it when you are finally settled.
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