Sunday, October 4, 2009

Alive and Well

Here I am in Idaho finally. I have been back to WA to finish packing up the kitchen, loaded boxes in the truck drove back down to Ontario, OR to meet DH. We left the big truck parked at a motel and drove across OR to go to our nephew's wedding in Redmond, OR, had a good time and drove back to Ontario where DH got in the big truck and drove up to WA to get his music room and computer packed up to bring down before we dig in for the winter. I drove back down to the house because we had left the cats with water, food and a clean litter box for 3 days. So I have been back for a week unpacking and trying to find places to put everything. DH should be leaving WA sometime this week to head home. While he has been in WA, DS, the girlfried and DH have all come down sick with a cold/flu.
This morning I woke up to snow here in Idaho. I have taken pictures, but so far I haven't found my card reader so I can download the pictures to the computer. As I just looked out the window it is snowing still. Idaho now feels like home and I feel like a visitor familiar with the area when I go to WA. I have even found a quilt group to join which meets next week. I am really looking forward to that I am more than ready to get back to quilting again. I'll add pictures as soon as I can. More later.

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