Hope everyone is enjoying their turkey and football. Since our Turkey isn't fully thawed we decided to wait and have our turkey dinner tomorrow night when DH gets home from work. We are supposed to get more snow here sometime on Friday and Saturday. We've had quite abit and with the wind it drifted alot. Our driveway is just one drift after another. Dh spent most of yesterday digging it out so he could get the car out and go to work on Friday.
Today Squeak has played with and attacked everything she could get her paws on. She has really grown even though she still looks small. When Dh was getting ready to go to the store Squeak thought she would be helpful so she tried to help Dad tie up his boots. After that work out she decided to rest for awhile on Mom's chair laying on her favorite quilt while she watched How It's Made on TV. Now as the sun is setting in the west Squeak is thinking about how she can chase the older three cats and maybe instead of hissing and growling at her they will come and play with her for awhile. If not she'll just have to annoy Mom and see if she will play some kitten games before bedtime. It's a rough life being the only kitten in the house.
Miss Emma was sitting outside the bedroom door pretending she was the invisible cat, just waiting for one of the other cats to walk past so she could practice her attack skills. The only thing she found was me with the camera.
Meanwhile, outside this hawk was having lunch. We don't know for sure but we think he probably killed a dove. It didn't take him long to finish it off.
Squeak has become a fast moving, growing blur. She is always busy discovering her world and estimating her chances if she decides to take on the larger cats. So far she is smart enough to not try anything she'll regret.
I started piecing a kit from Connecting Threads called Jacobean Nine Patch. It should go together pretty fast
so I'll post pictures once I get the top together.
I don't know where the time goes. As you can see the Squeak is still with us and becoming fast friends with DH. She is now about 8 weeks old and it's like having a two year old toddler. She has provided alot of entertainment around here the last few weeks.
Last night the This and That guild met and we had a very nice turn out. We are a group made up of knitters, crocheters, spinners and quilters.
Since it was Veteran's Day DH was home enjoying being a retired veteran. I am looking for a heater for the quilting room. The weather has finally turned colder here so the little space heaters I have aren't getting the room warm enough fast enough so I need something larger. Since it is so chilly out there I haven't been getting as much done as I would like. I may have to set up a machine in the house to get some piecing done. I have a Connecting Threads kit almost cut out and ready to put together. I'm also planning on doing the new mystery quilt Bonnie Hunter will be starting on the 19th of Novermber over at quiltville.com . Her mysteries always produce stunning scrap quilts. Our glorious fall colors are mostly gone with the wind and rain we have had over the last week. That's about it for what's happening here lately. What's happening in your part of the country???