All the sudden here it is April and instead of spring we are having a winter come back. This afternoon it started with the wind blowing and the sky getting dark and then it started snowing tiny little flakes. It is bad enough that we lost Dishnetwork just before 10pm. March was a busy month. My sister-in-law came to visit for a few days and helped DH put up insulation in the quilt room. I signed up for a class at Quilt University to learn how to use my EQ6 so I have been busy trying to get the lessons done. Of course, the week the class started my computer had to have a time out at the repair place something grabbed ahold of it and wouldn't l
et go. Then last week our son came down to see us for 4 days between jobs. He started his n
ew job on April 1. He called tonight and said his first two days were good and he is liking it so far much better than his last job. While he was here he helped DH put up some window trim on the Quilt Room. He also made friends with Rosie. It was a short visit, but hopefully he will come again one of these days. Dh and a couple of his friends went up to the hospital and played some music one Sunday and they are planning on going again on the 21st of April. It's nice he has found someone to play guitars with he really enjoys the guitar. He taught himself how to play as a teenager. Well, that was pretty much my month. How was your March?