Have been making slow progress on the DD quilt. I think I got a little carried away on the units for the nine patches. I guess they will come in useful in a future project of some kind.
Had to take my better half to the dentist today to have a tooth cut out that had broken off at the gum line. So he is home watching old movies with ice on his swollen jaw. He'll probably be sore for a few days before he feels better.
Guess I'd better get back to getting my taxes ready to send to the state since they are due the end of the month. This is my least favorite time of the year. Oh well, once it is done I can quilt the next customer quilt so I can sew on Super Bowl Sunday.
p.s. Check out thepioneerwoman's blog she has included her recipe for enchiladas. If you like mexican food it will make your mouth water. I'm thinking they are going to be a meal around here in the near future.