Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Have you got your Farm Girl Vintage On?

In case you missed it Lori Holt from Bee In My Bonnet has a sew-along going on over at her blog. When I saw her book I immeadiately ordered my own and finally I have started to make some blocks. The small quilt group I belong to liked the book so we are all doing it. The first month we are making a block for each other and one for ourselves. This is my block for the group.

I have 4 of them put together and the other three almost done. So I will be ready to trade on Thursday when we meet. You can see the barn blocks and the tractor block I did here  and here which I did when she did her barn blocks quilt-along in 2013. This isn't my usual style of quilting, but there is something about her patterns that call to me and before I know it I find myself making blocks. Are you hooked? Let's see your blocks if you are.
A few weeks ago Apqs had a post that asked for you to send them a picture of your quilts. I sent them the following and on the 1st of July they posted it on their facebook page APQS . I've posted a picture of the same quilt here before, but it was very nice to see it on their site since I used my APQS Ultimate 1 to quilt it. They are a great company to deal with.

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